Tree Of Life Clinical Outreach Ministries

Tree Of Life Clinical Outreach Ministries
Tree Of Life Clinical Outreach Ministry
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Tree Of Life Clinical Outreach Ministries
Bringing the gift of free healthcare overseas

Tree Of Life Clinical Outreach Ministries is the overseas branch of our original Integrative Medical Center Tree Of Life Holistic Wellness Center, at the time, the largest of it's kind in California. It is our task to bring free clinical care to other areas of the world where access to proper healthcare is limited or non-existent. Each clinic is meant to be free of charge to anyone in need. Our plan is to bring the first clinics to Guatemala and India.
My wife and I ran the largest Integrative Medical Center in the state of California for many years and served thousands of patients from around the world. The clinic saw patients from across the globe for everything from wounds to cancer. The telehealth practice to this day has a very high success rate working with such issues as cancer, Lyme, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and many more. We also run online schools teaching students about nutrition and home care such as first aid, etc.

With over 20 years of clinical practice, we have run two separate Integrative medical centers. It has always been a great joy meeting with our patients.Our past history running clinics includes extensive free medical care in the United States. We have offered hundreds of thousands of dollars at today’s medical valuations in free ultrasounds, EKGs, urinalysis, lab work, procedures, medications, etc.

I have worked in the fields of oncology, OB/GYN, pediatrics, general and family practice, and geriatrics, wound care, post trauma recovery and emergencies. Again, it has been a great joy to us to help bring their babies into this beautiful world of ours.
We currently own ultrasound equipment, EKGs, lab testing equipment for urinalysis, pathology microscopes, etc. which will be
available to our overseas projects.

Our initial goal in the short term is to build relationships with the local clinics, Doctors without Borders and Naturopaths without Borders.

Meet Our Staff

Below are the members of our staff and a thank you to some of those projects and organizations that are helping us achieve this dream of bringing aid to those in other countries..
Peggy Spindelilus, Certified Nutritionist, Integrative Coordinator
Peggy has always had an inborn ability to  heal and to nurture.
For years she remained a wonderful assistant  helping me in the center.
The patients have always responded well to her.
After years of helping with the practice she finally decided to take it a step further
and enrolled in the School of Natural Healing, the College of Herbal  Medicine.
She has also received her certification as a Nutritionist. We are all very proud of her.
She is also a past co-host of a holistic radio show.
She is of the Cherokee Nation and is proud to continue her families native traditions in the service of others.
Ordained minister
Dr. Earendil Spindelilus D.N.M., M.H., C.R.
With over 20 years of clinical practice, he and his wife have run two separate Integrative medical centers.
Published author of numerous books on holistic medicine and articles.
Has taught  numerous classes on integrative medicine and has taught a yearly seminar for many years on
Practicum to the graduating students at the School of Natural Healing, The College of  Herbal Medicine.
Member of the Physicians  Committee for Responsible Medicine. He has also been a lecturer since 1999.
Doctorate degree in Natural Medicine. Naturopathic Medicine
Traditional Naturopath
Certified Nutritionist
Certified Reflexologist
Board Certified Diplomate of Natural Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine
Ordained minister.
Following are the services to be provided by the ministries through our actions and those of our partners
The many levels of community support
Offering clinical healthcare to those where access is difficult or nonexistent. This can be in the form of our own brick and mortar clinics as well as suppporting those of the clinics already established as well as groups such as Doctors Without Borders and Naturopaths Without Borders.
Through partnerships we would like to be able to join with them to help meet the urgent needs of food and supplies for their daily living.
Along with helping to bring clnical healthcare, food and supplies to those in need, it is also our goal to help by teaching the community how to prevent disease and to care more readily for themselves.
It is also our desire to offer a hand and a shoulder when needed for counseling when the hardships of daily living in poverty become too much to bear.
It is also part of the ministries to offer to others the chance to be in service. The ministry is open to individuals with a calling to volunteer in the clinics. Those who volunteer will be brought down to Guatemala (and other countries as they are brought into the project) for week long in-clinic assignments where they will be able to assist the healthcare providers in the daily care of the patients. This is not a vacation and will require at times extensive hours in the care of others in a clinical environment. If this appeals to you please feel free to contact us through this site. Expenses such as airfare, food and lodging will be covered by the ministry.

Tree Of Life Clinical Outreach Ministry
A branch of Tree Of Life Holstic Wellness Center

1-(760) 406-4250 (fax)
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